Book DescriptionThe Saxophone Reed is the most comprehensive book ever published on the characteristics and adjustment of single wood cane reeds This highly technical book is the life work of world class musician, composer, and now published author Ray Reed, who has invested over thirty five years of research and on the job experience in its production ожшйв Over 200 pages of text, illustrations, tables, and photographs provide in depth insight into the physics and all aspects of reed adjustments for optimumperformance Plans for special tools are provided along with a photo gallery, including special, unique trade secrets This is a must own book for all reed musicians. Pass 57.1 Bett Bett2004 г 195 стр ISBN 0741423057.
Book DescriptionArcher M Huntington founded The Hispanic Society of America in 1904 Spanish art has been present in New York City since then, radiating its influence over American culture This guide book explores museums, libraries, and other public places in New York, discovering not only the works of great Spanish masters of past and modern ожшйй art, but also a more unexpected legacy ranging from ceramics, to medieval manuscripts, to emblematic buildings Prefaced by Dore Ashton, and written by Maria Dolores Jiménez-Blanco and Cindy Mack, this definitive guide to Spanish art in New York contains more than 200 illustrations and city maps Preface by Dore Ashton Essays by Maria Dolores Jiménez-Blanco and Cindy Mack Hardcover, 5 x 9 75 in /274 pgs / 196 color and 37 b&w. отде Шуре Your Skag2005 г 269 стр ISBN 8460921360.
Few authors are as beloved as Shel Silverstein His inimitable drawings and comic poems have become the bedtime staples of millions of children and their parents, but few readers know much about the man behind that wild-eyed, bearded face peering out from the backs of dust jackets In A Boy Named Shel, Lisa Rogak tells the full story of a life as antic ожшйс and adventurous as any of his creations A man with an incurable case of wanderlust, Shel kept homes on both coasts and many places in between and enjoyed regular stays in the Playboy Mansion Everywhere he went he charmed neighbors, made countless friends, and romanced almost as many women with his unstoppable energy and never-ending wit His boundless creativity brought him fame and fortune neither of which changed his down-to-earth way of life and his children's books sold millions of copies But he was much more than "just" a children's writer He collaborated with anyone who crossed his path, and found success in a wider range of genres than most artists could ever hope to master He penned hit songs like "A Boy Named Sue" and "The Unicorn " He drew cartoons for Stars & Stripes and got his big break with Playboy He wrote experimental plays and collaborated on scripts with David Mamet With a seemingly unending stream of fresh ideas, he worked compulsively and enthusiastically on a wide array of projects up until his death, in 1999 Drawing on wide-ranging interviews and in-depth research, Rogak gives fans a warm, enlightening portrait of an artist whose imaginative spirit created the poems, songs, and drawings that have touched the lives of so many children and adults 1 edition Автор Лайза Рогак Lisa Rogak. Вятк Unit Семе словИздательство: Thomas Dunne Books, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 0312353596 Язык: Английский.
Человек искренне желает счастья себе и другим, но не знает, как его достичь, что для этого необходимо предпринять Книга вскроет ваши психологические проблемы, которые мешают ожшка вам в жизни, и поможет найти пути к их разрешению Главное, чтобы было желание стремиться к позитивным переменам и вера в себя Авторы Ольга Потемкина Екатерина Потемкина. Mari Stop Yves MexoСерия: Практическая психология.
Paulo Coelho was born in Brazil and has become one of the most widely read authors in the world today Prior to his career as a bestselling author, he was a playwright, theatre director, hippie and popular songwriter for some of Brazil's most famous pop stars Renowned for The Alchemist, he has sold more than 75 million books worldwide and has been translated ожшке into 61 languages He is the author of The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage, The Valkyries, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides to Die, The Devil and Miss Prym, Manual of the Warrior of Light, Eleven Minutes and The Zahir "Paulo Coelho: Confessions of a Pilgrim" offers readers a chance to get to know Paulo Coelho's dramatic, inspirational life story for the first time Coelho has always been a non-conformist, constantly searching for new paths and savouring both the good and the bad that came his way After an unorthodox career path, he turned to writing and has become one of the most successful authors in the world This intimate portrait by Juan Arias offers Paulo's compelling first-hand accounts of his experiences of: - Being confined to a mental institution as a young man simply because he was an artist; - Kidnapping and torture by paramilitaries; - Encounters with black magic and drugs; - An epiphany at Dachau and a vision he had of his own death; - The nature of writing and the spiritual quest Juan Arias is an established writer and journalist for El Pais based in Spain He has received an Italian Culture Prize for his writing and was awarded Best Foreign Correspondent for his journalism Формат: 13 см x 20 см Автор Хуан Ариас Juan Arias. Mois Terr Robe DreaИздательство: Harper, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 978-0-00-711437-5, 0-00-711437-0 Язык: Английский.
От издателя Микки Рурк ("9 1/2 недель"), Лори Сингер ("Сделано в США"), Брайан Джеймс ("Пятый элемент") и Родни Грант ("Танцы с волками") в мелодраме Майкла Карбелникофф ожшки "Последний ковбой" Этот лирический и, в то же время, напряженный и непредсказуемый фильм повествует о простых людях с сильным характером, которые бросили вызов судьбе и готовы идти по жизни до самого конца Наездник родео Фрэнк Ти Уэллс возвращается в родные края, отсидев срок за убийство Он намерен забыть о прошлом, вновь занявшись своим любимым ремеслом Но когда ему в пути встречается очаровательная Скарлетт, ее татуировка с инициалами Фрэнка подсказывает суровому ковбою, что он нашел свою вторую половину Увы, Фрэнк не подозревает, что Скарлетт тоже пытается скрыться от своего бурного прошлого, которое, в конце концов, настигает ее Судьба сыграла с Фрэнком злую шутку, но ковбой никогда не бросит свою женщину в беде, даже если это навсегда разрушит его жизнь Режиссер: Майкл Карбелникофф Продюсер: Том Микель Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Интерактивное меню Моментальныфй доступ к любой сцене фильма Смотрите на DVD Режиссер Майкл Карбелникофф Michael Karbelnikoff Актеры (показать всех актеров) Микки Рурк ( ) Mickey Rourke Philip Andre Rourke Jr Микки (он же Филип Андрэ) Рурк, один из самых скандально известных голливудских актеров, родился 16 сентября 1950 года в Майами (штат Флорида, США) В юности занимался бейсболом, боксом, но основным его времяпрепровождением до Питер Берг ( ) Peter Berg Аарон Невилл Aaron Neville. Barb Maxt stop CanoФормат: DVD (PAL) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Видео Элемент Региональный код: 5 Звуковые дорожки: Русский Dolby Digital 2 0 Русский Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1994 г , 100 мин , США Nu Image Художественный кинофильм.
Эта книга об Альберте Швейцере выходила на русском языке единственный раз, много лет назад, в серии `Жизнь замечательных людей` Она переводилась на разные языки и только на немецком ожшкн выдержала больше десятка изданий Однако советским издателям герой этой книги не показался достаточно благонадежным: верил в Бога, писал о музыке и индийской философии, играл Баха в соборах, не высказывал сочувствия коммунистам… Так что книга о великом сыне Европы дождалась переиздания лишь тридцать лет спустя, в новой редакции и в другой серии, названной более чем определенно: `Праведники` Белый Доктор, Старый Доктор, Великий Доктор из джунглей Он бросил блестящую карьеру, в тридцать лет начал с нуля, выучился на врача и уехал в самый глухой угол Центральной Африки Его знал весь мир Сделанного им за 90 лет хватило бы на десяток других жизней: он был врачом, философом, богословом, проповедником, органистом, музыковедом - и в каждой из своих ипостасей обрел мировую известность Он создал универсальную этику, основанную на принципе уважения к жизни, и сам следовал ей неукоснительно Нобелевскую премию мира он отдал на постройку лепрозория в Габоне, и это было для него так естественно Когда доктор Швейцер умер, по африканским деревням стучали тамтамы, и на десятках языков черные и белые люди говорили и пели: `Он был нам как отец`… 2-е издание Автор Борис Носик Русский писатель и переводчик Живет во Франции. Nadi Rand Жадь 1280Серия: Праведники.
Famed photographer Sheryl Nields brings burlesque superstar Dita Von Teese to life in a series of flip books that capture the dancer?s most intimate performances A perfect collectible book for fans of Dita, classic burlesque devotees, or for anyone who loves a playful and beautifully packaged book, DITA: STRIPTEASE is an exquisite visual tribute ожшкр to this one-of-a-kind performer, featuring three of her most beloved dances: Martini Glass Show: Performed all over the world, the martini glass show is Dita?s most famous burlesque act Featuring her in her "Diamonds in the Buff" costume, Dita performs a traditional striptease that culminates with her bathing herself in an oversize martini glass, complete with olive sponge Bird of Paradise Show: Inside a posh gilded Victorian birdcage, burlesque?s brightest star reinvents the classic feather fan dance with two lush oversize feather fans of exotic, rare magenta pheasant feathers In an extraordinary costume of beautifully curved feathers, Dita spins around on her golden perch, and treats audiences to an unforgettable wet and wild finale as sparkling water showers over her body Classic Striptease: This striptease features Dita dressed in a vintage suit complete with a veiled hat, seamed stockings, and sky-high stilettos Audiences get a glimpse into Dita?s personal wardrobe-and what she reveals underneath it! Авторы Дита Вон Тис Dita Von Teese Sheryl Nields. Iron Lowl Morn RobeИздательство: It Books, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 006176311X Язык: Английский.
Book Description“Proficiency in whist implies capacity for success in all these more important undertakings where mind struggles against mind ” —Edgar Allan Poe, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” “Ha, ha, fool, ya lost! Rise and fly, %@#*!” —Uncle Ralph after running a Boston, Jones family reunion, 2002 Here’s a rollicking ожшкч celebration and guide to bid whist, the official game of family reunions, cookouts, backyard barbecues,and house parties In Rise and Fly, veteran journalists Greg Morrison and Yanick Rice Lamb explore the deeper secrets of the game, including: • strategies for beating the stuffing out of your opponents • hints for successful trash-talking • the official rules and exotic variations to keep things interesting • tips for organizing tournaments • resources for taking your game to the next level • a whole slew of recipes for whist-worthy snacks Full of history, lore, and the personal recollections of celebrities and regular folks alike, this is the first all-in-one book of bid whist, a treasure for anyone who’s ever pulled up to the table and been dealt in. Enco Мвкд Соде Amar2005 г 160 стр ISBN 1400051681.
Book Description A colorful square, dissected into four parts, with hinges marked in black If you leave the blue piece fixed and swing the others around their hinges, a new shape will emerge Can you guess just by looking what it will be? This is just one of the tricky geometrical gems that will make a puzzler’s mind work overtime Try drawing a set of ожшла variously shaped polygons using only a compass and a ruler (no measuring allowed!), figuring out which of two sculptures is bigger (logic alonewon’t give you the answer), and lots more. Geni Wind Alex Барк2004 г 128 стр ISBN 1402716664.
Book DescriptionMacaroni on the Moon is an engaging and delightfully illustrated collection of humorous poems written for kids and adults of all ages This original collection of 61 poems, following in the wacky tradition of Edward Lear and Ogden Nash, introduces the reader to many wonderfully colorful characters, from Marvin the Moose and Melvin ожшле the Mixed-Up Camel to the ridiculous Nicholas Harrs and the Mean Brothers Butz If you like to read poems that excite and delight, titillate and amuse (and make you wanna jump right out of your shoes), then you've gotta read Macaroni on the Moon!. Bald Digi Chec разг2003 г 110 стр ISBN 0595268862.
Book DescriptionAn alt-metal supergroup for the new millennium, Audioslave pairs Rage Against the Machine (sans Zack de la Rocha) with former Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell for truly explosive results Our matching folio to their 2002 debut includes note-for-note guitar transcriptions with tab for the hit single "Cochise" and ожшло 13 more: Bring 'Em Back Alive * Exploder * Gasoline * Getaway Car * Hypnotize * I Am the Highway * The Last Remaining Light * Light My Way * Like a Stone * Set It Off * Shadow on the Sun * Show Me How to Live * What You Are. EHLP Tatt Svia Davi2003 г 72 стр ISBN 0634057316.
Book Description The Blues Highway is a classic road trip through the cradle of musical innovation in America This definitive travel and music guide follows Highway 61 and the Mississippi River to explore the roots of jazz, blues, Cajun, zydeco, country, gospel, soul, and rock & roll music Trace the story from Congo Square in New Orleans to down-home ожшлу Delta blues joints then on to Memphis, Nashville, St Louis, Davenport, and eventually to Chicago Written by award-winning author, Richard Knight, this fully updated second edition features: *Comprehensive city guides with 55 maps--from New Orleans to Chicago *What to see, where to stay, and where to eat--hotels and restaurants for a range of budgets *The best music clubs and bars--shabby juke joints to smooth jazz clubs *Music landmarks--visit Jerry Lee Lewis' ranch or Charley Patton's grave *People, culture, and cuisine of the Blues Highway--Creole cooking to voodoo magic *Who's who of Blues Highway music--from Louis Armstrong to Sonny BoyWilliamson II *Music festivals and events--Mardi Gras in New Orleans to the Chicago Blues Festival *Exclusive interviews--with music legends "Honeyboy" Edwards, Little Milton, Wilson Pickett, Sam Phillips, Rufus Thomas, Ike Turner, and many more. RHZN Opti DrBr Lomo2003 г 320 стр ISBN 1873756666.
Book DescriptionHas the global phenomenon that is Pop Idol ruined pop music, or is it just the natural evolution of a genre of music that has always been manufactured? From Tin Pan Alley to The Monkees, Bay City Rollers, Spice Girls, and boy bands, Bubblegum showcases the rise of Pop Idol and its many predecessors, in the process creating a witty, thorough ожшлю history of what is arguably the most popular musical genre ever This colorfully illustrated look at pop's manufactured mega-brands includes original interviews with the movers and shakers of the pop world. Rola Сысо Serg Hist2003 г 224 стр ISBN 1860745121.
Book Description Coffee and Crosswords: The Perfect Match Often the subtle pleasures in life are the most rewarding As any solver can tell you, a brisk morning, a hot cup of coffee, and a New York Times crossword puzzle can be one of those quietly perfect moments From the pages of The New York Times comes this brand-new collection of light and easy puzzles, ожшмр chosen from Monday and Tuesday editions of the newspaper With two full pages per puzzle, giant, easy-to-fill-in grids, and readable large type, these solver-friendly puzzles allow you to sit back, relax, and lose yourself in a puzzle, all in the span of a coffee break. Davi Ever Micr Mart2004 г 176 стр ISBN 0312331096.
Book DescriptionThis practical guide gives readers all the best Girlfriend-tested tricks-to make playtime and parties as easy as they are fun Includes The best ideas for angst-free at-home fetes and off-premises extravaganzas Nofail game and craft ideas-for any theme Affordable alternatives to junk-filled goody bags Age-specific ожшмц suggestions for can't-miss gifts Save-the-day stuff to stash in your cupboard for instant fun, any time Playdate success secrets S O S strategies for when you're too tired to move. Фран Прои Beko Disc2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0399528466.
Book DescriptionWith Mother Said, Hal Sirowitz introduced the world to his overprotective, overwrought mother In My Therapist Said, he showcased his neuroses In his new book, Before, During, and After, he explores his tumultuous (and sometimes nonexistent) sex life In a series of witty poems, he shares the ups and downs of his romantic history ожшмя from tortured adolescence to not-much-better adulthood in his poetically comic stroll through life as a beleaguered mama's boy. 8942 Seve Удар Renz2003 г 128 стр ISBN 188712893X.
Book DescriptionThis poetry represents word pictures 'taken' over a period of years Many were written while observing nature, and describing not only what was seen but what deeper meaning or life parallel seemed portrayed there Others were written in times of transition and life changes They led to reflections on a life journey, and the spiritual ожшнв story of: Discovering Nature Crossroads Discovering Self These poems have been read in a numberof settings, classes and retreats, covering such topics as: the environment and ecology spirituality journaling transition and change ethics Readers may identify with the pictures in their own lives and find inspiration and joy in seeing anothers journey of discovery. stud Afro Prin Миро2005 г 112 стр ISBN 0595367046.
Book Description"She is a poet of light and darkness, death and beginnings, endless cycles of birth and renewal She has the gift of a true poet in that her texts, rooted in personal events and sentiments as they must, transcend the particular to take flight towards the universal Her language is superbly crafted to convey the eternal themes she ожшне writes about, often a veritable tour de force where we are no longer conscious of words per se but seem to be in direct contact with the feelings expressed and which we experience as our own" Daniel Sloate Hélène Dorion has published over a dozen books of poetry in Quebec, France and Belgium Her poems have been translated into several languages Guernica Editions published a selection of her poetry, translated by Andrea Moorhead, in 1995, entitled The Edges of Light She has also contributed to many reviews in Canada, Italy, Argentina, England, Spain, France and Belgium Daniel Sloate recently published his collected poems, Of Dissonance and Shadows (2001) with Guernica. Wind Road Mari конс2004 г 144 стр ISBN 1550711849.
Book DescriptionPhilip Kevin Paul is a rare young poet with the voice of an elder A WSÁ,NEC Indian from BC's Saanich Peninsula, Paul's oral tradition and life perspective are as old as the hills themselves, but their addition to Canadian poetry is long-awaited and increasingly vital Philip Kevin Paul's poems rise from the belly of awareness With ожшнн the movement of a snake, he weaves through the mind and digs into the senses with the grace and concentration of a master Paul has a remarkable abilityto present the natural world infused with wonder and mystery, and his lyric narratives invite the reader to ponder the bigger questions His precision with words shows deep and exceptional knowledge and understanding of his First Nations oral tradition and language, which he blends into poetry to produce a compelling and forceful new voice Though he has made few appearances in magazines and anthologies (as "Kevin Paul"), by word-of-mouth his work has attracted an impressive following of admirers that includes Daniel David Moses, Roy Vickers, Patrick Lane, Lorna Crozier, Patrick Friesen, Tim Lilburn, David Zieroth, Karen Connelly, the late Al Purdy, Gregory Scofield and the Irish Whitbread-Award winner Paul Durcan. Bozi Слов клуб ЛитР2003 г 96 стр ISBN 0889711828.
Book Description"Anyone who has walked the dry, dusty hills outside Alpine, at the foot of the Davis Mountains, will know a little of what Larry Thomas writes about, with mastery and skill, and deep understanding Larry Thomas grew up in this hot, dry country, where survival was everything, and the terrors of nature were spiritual lessons His ожшнп poems, taut, taciturn, chiseled out of the silence he learned there, are achingly pure lyrics and are fables in their own way These poems celebrate a placeI love, a hard place, but one of rare beauty and depth, and, in its own way, an altar of strange gods "--Paul Christensen "With intensity and delight, Larry Thomas evokes two major concerns in his new volume: the drama of the land and the wonders of perception And again, as we've seen in his finer work before, it's the immediacy of story that gives his work its gritty yet lyrical texture "--James Hoggard "Where Skulls Speak Wind glitters like a mosaic In each poem, Larry Thomas reveals a facet of life in the unforgiving but luminous landscape of the Southwest: cobalt skies over Taos, the silence of a ghost town where 'a rustle of wind is a scream,' a small village 'peppering the mountainside / like fragments of a torn piñata ' Seamlessly interweaving ancestral triumphs and losses with the larger workings of geography and culture, Thomas makes believers, and admirers, of us all "--Carol Coffee Reposa. ЛитР Трои Води Грос2004 г 80 стр ISBN 1881515648.
Book DescriptionThe All Music Guide calls John Coltrane's A Love Supreme "easily one of the most important records ever made," and Coltrane has referred to it as his "gift to God " This exceptional songbook presents exact note-for-note tenor saxophone transcriptions for every piece on this landmark album Includes: Acknowledgement ожшнц (Part I) * Resolution (Part II) * Pursuance (Part III) * Psalm (Part IV). Герш Acad Иллю Соде2003 г 24 стр ISBN 0634038877.
Book DescriptionIt may be said that the beauty of art comes from the struggle that is involved in creating it: struggle to hear the voice, struggle to understand the voice, struggle to express or articulate the voice, struggle to let others hear the voice, and struggle to protect what has been expressed This book is about the last struggleÂto legally ожшнь protect what has been expressed by appreciating the struggle that has come before The Legal and Moral Rights of All Artists is a clear, jargon-free explanation of the crucial concepts every artist needs to know, such as copyright, trademark, work-for-hire and other contract issues, as well as the all-important doctrine of moral rights Drawing on the historical perspective of theartist as the core element of any created work, this book explains the protection available to artists, not only for their works but also for their vision, integrity, and reputation Filled with anecdotes and practical advice, this book will be an important resource for everyone involved in the creative process. МГор веду Dixi Цыбу2003 г 136 стр ISBN 0595296831.
Book DescriptionThe Darklands is an evil place, home to the Darklords, the ancient enemy of Summerlund and sworn foes to the Kai Order This hugely detailed book provides every piece of information on this despicable place, allowing Games Masters to run their players through its dangerous locales and introducing them to the inhabitants of this ожшоа place Players will find this book invalubale if they are to have any chance at all of surviving this hellish realm. Куца Mast Стер моло2004 г 128 стр ISBN 1904577539.
Book Description "Nystrom's gift as a poet is that she doesn't stop looking, and her poems make sure it is all still there for us to see "-Eamon Grennan The landscape of Torn Sky is South Dakota, a place of extremes, where parched land meets frigid air and exiled Native Americans still struggle to live in peace alongside ranchers Nystrom's ожшоз poems weave together the voices of her childhood with ghosts of the last two tumultuous centuries and articulate with such subtle and unsentimental grace that each side is understood Debra Nystrom was born in Pierre, South Dakota She is the author of one previous book, A Quarter Turn She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, and teaches at the University of Virginia. Спир Guar Jean Magn2003 г 104 стр ISBN 1889330906.
Book DescriptionThese fourteen essays address controversies over a variety of cultural properties, exploring them from perspectives of law, archeology, physical anthropology, ethnobiology, ethnomusicology, history, and cultural and literary study The book divides cultural property into three types: Tangible, unique property like ожшон the Parthenon marbles; intangible property such as folktales, music, and folk remedies; and communal "representations," which have lead groups to censor both outsiders and insiders as cultural traitors. OZON Wind Топо Inte2003 г 363 стр ISBN 0892366737.
Book DescriptionWhat graphic designer hasn't heard, "We don't have much of a budget " It's the sad but all too often truth Designers must not only come up with attention-grabbing ideas but, more frequently, do it with limited financial resources It is relatively easy to come up with mind-blowing ideas when the sky's the limit, but when ожшот the sky falls, clever ideas are harder to come by That's why Great Graphics on a Budget, now in paperback, is a must for every designer Featuring morethan 50 case studies, this book offers insights into the designers' thought processes and reveals how they have invented, discovered, and recycled innovative ways to challenge not only the budget but the client and the creative brief, too It demonstrates that, regardless of resources, design and concept can remain strong and that a limited budget can even become a catalyst for some of the most creative designs produced. Malc Звон Соло авто2004 г 192 стр ISBN 1592530869.
Book DescriptionHave the 1950s been overly romanticized? Beneath the calm, conformist exterior, new ideas and attitudes were percolating This was the decade of McCarthyism, Levittowns, and men in gray flannel suits, but the 1950s also saw bold architectural styles, the rise of paperback novels and the Beat writers, Cinema Scope and film noir, ожшош television variety shows, the Golden Age of the automobile, subliminal advertising, fast food, Frisbees, and silly putty This volume presents a nuanced look at a surprisingly complex time in American popular culture. Rene Edga Caro Нефе2004 г 376 стр ISBN 0313323933.
Whistler, Women, and Fashion артикул 6602d. |
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Book DescriptionCostume and fashion were a lifelong obsession for James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) His exquisite depictions of women and the details of their clothing contributed to his career as one of the most accomplished and successfulif controversialartists of the nineteenth century This lavishly illustrated book focuses on ожшйе fashion in Whistlers art as a key to understanding his life and work and as a new means of exploring his relationship with women and his portraits of them The book offers new insights into some of Whistlers most beloved masterpieces in the context of art and fashion in the Victorian period Illustrated with paintings, pastels, prints, and drawings by Whistler, the book also presents photographs ofhis sitters, contemporary costumes, works by other artists of the period, and artifacts from Whistlers studio These illustrations, with new material drawn from the Centre for Whistler Studies, illuminate the interaction between the artist and the women he portrayed during his fifty years in Paris and Londonmistresses, family members, artists, actresses, aristocrats, and many others. Росс Undi Арцр Jerz2003 г 256 стр ISBN 0300099061. |
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Eugene O'Neill Production Personnel: A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Directors, Producers, and Scenic and Costume Designers in Stage and Screen Presentations of the Plays артикул 6604d. |
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Book DescriptionFrom Broadway to regional and college stages and back again, the plays of Eugene ONeill have been widely presented to audiences around the world This work brings together biographical information on more than 3300 individuals who have appeared in or been a part of ONeill productions Some came famous to their roles; some used ожшйк a play as a springboard to success; many had their ONeill moment and were heard from no more Allincluding actors, directors, producers, andother personnelare listed here Each entry includes either the role played (for cast members) or the position filled (for crew) and the opening dates and place of the production Where possible, fuller biographical data, including birth and death dates and information on other performances, is provided Indexes offer access to titles, characters, and theater names. Sifr Fisk рабо Юсуп2005 г 360 стр ISBN 0786421800. |
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House Beautiful Art: Decorating with Art at Home артикул 6606d. |
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Book Description Whether you want to make artwork an integral part of your design, effectively showcase a beloved collection, or turn the walls themselves into canvases, you'll never find a more exquisite guide than this Every awe-inspiring interiorshowcases a different magnificent approach and style for you to consider, including tables ожшйъ and floors stacked with sculpture, larger-than-life paintings, and antique furniture and fabrics A beautiful fifteenth-century Milanese palazzo blends real foliage with an imaginary trompe l'oeil overgrowth; in the dining room restored frescoes flank a massive Louis XV fireplace In a more playful mode, architect Steve Ehlich transforms a whimsical assortment of 1950s lunch boxes into a veritable work of art Each image is eye opening and inspirational. Park Soul Hits SPOR2003 г 176 стр ISBN 1588160238. |
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Festive Graphics: The Art And Design Of Self Promotion артикул 6608d. |
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Book DescriptionThe nightmare brief for design consultancies around the world is ? what shall we do for Christmas this year? Festive is a collection of the coolest yule solutions Every year, designers are faced with the need to reinvent ways to charm their clients and thank them for their business while convincing them that they are the best creative ожшкг resource available From specially commissioned bottles of vodka to pressed aluminium, from live Christmas trees to completely illuminated building fa?ades, Festive showcases the highest quality examples of design ingenuity and wit Both humorous and useful, it reveals the thoughts and rationale of the designers whose work is featured, thus making Festive inspirational beyond the Christmas brief. Mari Vino Cafe Gabr2004 г 207 стр ISBN 2880467918. |
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Сознание третьего храма артикул 6610d. |
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Составитель: Дектор Феликс Две работы, помещенные в данном сборнике, знакомят читателя с представителями современной общественно-политической мысли Израиля Возможно ожшкж ли отыскать религиозную истину, единую для всех людей? Может ли она при этом быть согласована и с ценностями открытого общества? Могут ли различные религии найти общий язык? На эти и другие вопросы пытается найти ответы Арье Барац - автор первой работы, опубликованной в этой книге Тема второй работы - столкновение Востока и Запада как следствие размежевания двух полушарий в сознании человечества Универсальная миссия еврейского государства, по мнению автора Дмитрия Радышевского, - овладение новым способом мышления для построения на его основе грядущей цивилизации Содержание Арье Барац c 5-166 Дмитрий Радышевский c 167-318 Авторы Арье Барац Aryeh Baratz Дмитрий Радышевский. серт Myth Stan PerpСерия: Сто лет сионизма. |
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Charlatan артикул 6612d. |
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Book DescriptionWith a precise eye for form and a clear love for the tone and timbre of language, Steven Laird creates a profound and surreal sense of place and time, upending it all with brilliant irony Running through this collection is a disturbing sense that even the clearest perceptionsshaped by habits of speech and thoughtcan be treacherous, ожшкк and standing on the highest rocks is a perilous act of faith: Walk the edge of the cliffup here Eighty-seven feet falling sheer to the sea You are precarious, the cliff is sure You need to be exact now Throughout, Steven Laird teases magic from the landscape (where clouds are "handwritten in loose cursive" and hills can be "read in translation") in poetry with a strong, exuberant voicea voice that only "comes to rest / in a tambourines emptiness " Not even your guide can be trusted; this charlatan is no ordinary snake-oil salesman He knows you need to name a thing before you can even see it, and his warning is clearnever confuse your desires with the real thing No ordinary trickster, Charlatan tempts readers to enter this created world, inviting repeated readings of a deceptively simple poetry Intense, unsettling and, strangely enough, reassuring, Charlatan holds images and ideas that will linger long after the cover is closed. Tran книг Creo Dona2005 г 90 стр ISBN 1553800222. |
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Фридрих Ницше Жизнеописание Мировоззрение Цитаты За 60 минут артикул 6614d. |
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Эта книга - о Ницше, его жизни и творчестве Она совсем небольшая, ее чтение займет не более часа Однако каждый найдет в ней свое: для одних она станет первым знакомством с Ницше, другим ожшкп даст толчок для переосмысления, а кто-то просто напишет выдающийся реферат о великом философе-поэте Автор Фридрих Ницше Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Родился в Саксонии 15 октября 1844 года После недолгого увлечения богословием всерьез занимался классической филологией, со временем стал профессором филологии университета в Базеле (Швейцария) С 1872 года начал публиковать свои философские. LEGO Ткал впер RogeСерия: Человек мира. |
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That's Anarchy! The Story of the Revolution in the World of TV Comedy артикул 6616d. |
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Book DescriptionSome called it “alternative comedy” Others called it “the new rock ’n’ roll” Whatever it was, it spawned “The Young Ones” Comedy changed on the 9th November 1982 when Rick, Vyvyan, Neil and Mike infi ltrated the safe world of the television sitcom They farted, swore, hit each other and shouted a lot and comedy hasn’t ожшку been the same since They weren’t nice; they were NASTY!This is the story of the conception and birth of “The Young Ones”, their ancestors, their playmates and, eventually, their offspring. Jame Алек Cher Isaa2003 г 294 стр ISBN 1877059242. |
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Weren't No Good Times: Personal Accounts of Slavery in Alabama (Real Voices, Real History) артикул 6618d. |
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Book DescriptionFrom 1936 to 1938, the Federal Writers' Project (FWP), a part of the New Deal's Works Progress Administration, hired writers, editors, and researchers to interview as many former slaves as they could find and document their lives during slavery More than 2,000 former slaves in 17 states were interviewed With Weren't No Good Times, ожшкш John F Blair, Publisher, continues its Real Voices, Real History series with selections from 44 of the 125 interviews now archived in the Library of Congress that were earmarked as interviews with Alabama slaves Alabama was a frontier state From the beginning, its economy was built on cotton and slavery and its laws were fashioned to accommodate both, which becomes obvious when related through the experiences of Alabama's slaves A year after it obtained statehood, Alabama had a slave population of 41,879, as compared to 85,451 whites and 571 free blacks By 1860, the slave population had swelled to 435,080, while there were 536,271 whitesand 2,690 free blacks When emancipation came to the slaves, Alabama's slave owners lost an estimated $200 million of capital These narratives will help readers understand slavery by hearing the voices of the people who lived it. Херл Etni Diam Harr2004 г 191 стр ISBN 0895872846. |
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Origami Bridges : Poems of Psychoanalysis and Fire артикул 6620d. |
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Book Description At the heart of Origami Bridges is the delicate relationship of trust between analyst and patient, a relationship that grows out of the emotional give-and-take of the psychoanalytic process In this collection, Diane Ackerman, with astonishing candor, lays bare her desires, anger, jealousy, fears, and anxiety, as she probes ожшлг not only her present emotional landscape but also her past And what gradually rises to the surface is an understanding of how the poet uses verse to purge her demons, express her delight, or confess secret longing, and through this process come to a better understanding of the self. Alex Aqua Gmax Andr2003 г 160 стр ISBN 0060555297. |
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The English Governess артикул 6622d. |
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Book DescriptionNew Traveller's Companion Series #1 Poet John Glassco wrote a great many unusual and eccentric works during his career, and ranks among the finest Canadian authors of the 20th Century This particular title, published under the pseudoym "Miles Underwood," has achieved status as a must-have in your BDSM library It is ожшлз the account of Harriet Marwood, summoned to tutor the son of a 19th Century Victorian businessman, Arthur Lovel, whose wife has died, in the proper way to conduct himself, and to quit what is wonderfully termed "self-effacing " Our Ms Marwood soon takes over the house, leaving the businessman free to consort with Kate, his whore, and the boy, young Richard, at her mercy, where he most wants to be Download DescriptionPoetJohn Glassco wrote a great many unusual and eccentric works during his career, and ranks among the finest Canadian authors of the 20th Century This particular title, published under the pseudoym "Miles Underwood," has achieved status as a must-have in your BDSM library It is the account of Harriet Marwood, summoned to tutor the son of a 19th Century Victorian businessman, Arthur Lovel, whose wife has died, in the proper way to conduct himself, and to quit what is wonderfully termed "self-effacing " OurMs Marwood soon takes over the house, leaving the businessman free to consort with Kate, his whore, and the boy, young Richard, at her mercy, where he most wants to be. Tato Kary спас Заре2004 г 148 стр ISBN 1596540001. |
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The Lindbergh Syndrome: Heroes And Celebrities in a New Gilded Age артикул 6624d. |
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Book DescriptionThe Lindbergh Syndrome: Heroes and Celebrities in a New Gilded Age explores the political, media, and cyclical forces that converged at the moment Charles Lindbergh landed a tiny plane, Spirit of St Louis, at Le Bourget Field in Paris in1927 It asks, "Why did Lindbergh, a reluctant hero to begin with, become the most charismatic ожшлр personality of his era, against his will, merely for what he regarded as a scientific accomplishment? Why, in the starkest contrast, did Neil Armstrong, upon returning from the 1969 moon landing, become an anonymous citizen, who at all times has been granted the privacy Lindbergh was denied?" The Lindbergh Syndrome is presented here as a societal ailment Even as we ask, "Where have all our heroes gone?" weat once indulge in what Mark Twain in 1873 first identified as Gilded Age conceits frivolousness, laissez-faire economic policies, anti-intellectualism, and public gullibility toward business and government malfeasance Because Gilded Ages lead to cynicism and social decay, this book hopes its modest goal of calling attention to their existence will help American citizens avoid them in the future and in the process, be able once again to recognize the difference between a hero and a celebrity. крас 9056 Arts 03-12005 г 258 стр ISBN 1587364735. |
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Bob Seger Guitar Collection (Recorded Version Guitar) артикул 6626d. |
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Book Description20 Seger classics transcribed for guitar with notes and tab: Against the Wind * Betty Lou's Gettin' Out Tonight * Even Now * Feel like a Number * The Fire down Below * Fortunate Son * Get Out of Denver * Her Strut * Hollywood Nights * TheHorizontal Bop * Katmandu * Like a Rock * Mainstreet * Night Moves * Old Time Rock and Roll * Rock and Roll ожшлъ Never Forgets * Still the Same * Sunspot Baby * Turn the Page * You'll Accomp'ny Me Includes great color photos. Щерб Exce Добр Svag2003 г 192 стр ISBN 0634056883. |
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The Standing Wave : Poems (National Poetry Series) артикул 6628d. |
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Book Description An exciting first collection of poetry from an emerging talent, Gabriel Spera's The Standing Wave was a winner of the 2002 National Poetry Series Open Competition, selected by esteemed poet Dave Smith For over twenty years, the National Poetry Series has discovered many new and emerging voices and has been instrumental in launching ожшля the careers of poets and writers such as Billy Collins, Mark Doty, Denis Johnson, Cole Swensen, Thylias Moss, Mark Levine, and Dionisio Martinez. слов Mich Garm Crac2003 г 96 стр ISBN 0060541822. |
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The Nerve : Poems артикул 6630d. |
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Book DescriptionA haunting and powerful collection, The Nerve captures the strangeness and splendor of America in the twenty-first century Glyn Maxwell's characters include FBI agents, the Californian "wild child" Genie, a man who holds his own funeral,and women writing love letters to men on Death Row From college football games ожшмс to television weather reports, from hayrides to hunting tragedies, Maxwell's brilliant lyrics and narratives explore American life and legend. хоро полю Silv Brot2004 г 64 стр ISBN 0618446664. |
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The Little Book About Pastel артикул 6632d. |
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Book DescriptionSixteen full color plates plus 54 black & white illustrations A valuable companion for beginning students or experienced artists and a source of enrichment and inspiration for advanced pastellists as well as patrons Basics, techniques and helpful hints are combined with the expertise of five internationally prominent, ожшмю award winning Master and Distinguished Pastellists (Marbo Barnard, Waif Mullins, Bob Gerbracht, Duane Wakeham and Anita Wolff ) In separate chapters, each artist addresses a specific subject, discussing their unique approaches and techniques Concise format includes: -The history from antiquity to modern times -What is pastel - characteristics -The basic requirements of a painting - line and strokes,shape and scale, rhythm, value, textuure, color, shadow, composition and perspective -The painting process - application of the medium -Setting up a still life, painting in plein air, landscape, floral and water -- and much morre. цвет Осип Para 18152003 г 125 стр ISBN 0615122507. |
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Просто сделай это артикул 6634d. |
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От издателя Комедийная история о любимце женщин Бове и одиноком неудачнике Пекине Однажды Пекино встречает 9-летнюю бойкую девчонку Ливию, которая берет над ним шефство и уберегает ожшна от всех неприятностей, вытаскивает его из-под влияния дурной компании Тем временем Бове спасает Джордану, которую бросил муж и которая собирается покончить жизнь самоубийством Джордана в благодарность помогает Бове стать взрослым В конце фильма оказывается, что Джордана - мать Ливии, и благодаря Бове и Пекино они вновь обретают друг друга Эта комедия полна юмора, свойственного итальянскому кинематографу Режиссер: Франческо Аполлони Продюсер: Паоло Розетти Творческий коллектив Режиссер Франческо Аполлони Francesco Apolloni Актеры (показать всех актеров) Пупелла Маджио Pupella Maggio Мауро Мекони Mauro Meconi Агнес Нано Agnese Nano. Geni OPEL Blau PENNФормат: DVD (PAL) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Мост-Медиа Региональный код: 0 (All) Звуковые дорожки: Русский Dolby Digital 5 1 Итальянский Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2001 г , 90 мин , Италия Fox & Gould Produzioni Художественный кинофильм. |
Fate come noi / Just Do It. |
On to the Alamo: Colonel Crockett's Exploits and Adventures in Texas (Penguin Classics) артикул 6636d. |
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Book Description David "Davy" Crockett (17861836) was born in Tennessee, fought alongside Andrew Jackson in the War of 1812, and later served three terms in the House of Representatives before heading to Texas, where he died defending the Alamo Col Crocketts Exploits and Adventures in Texas, first published after Crocketts ожшнд death and disingenuously attributed to him, was written by Richard Penn Smith as a narrative that promoted a sanitized account of the Alamo as a heroic effort by Americans to stem the Mexican "invasion" of Texas The story, which was a huge success in its day, created a myth of the battle that pervaded the collective American memory for more than 150 years and reinforced the image of Davy Crockett as the "King of the Frontier ". язык Буха Сост демо2003 г 176 стр ISBN 0142437646. |
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Raven Cove Mystery артикул 6638d. |
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Book DescriptionThirteen-year-old Rinnie Cumberland wasnt afraid to sleep outside in her brothers old tree housebut maybe she should have been Thered been many changes taking place around Raven Cove Lake There were plenty of unanswered questions Why wouldnt her neighbor speak to her? Who was the strange boy on the shore? And what really ожшнк happened to her mothers cat? A desperate cry for help coming through the crisp, Alaska morning air plunged Rinnie right into the middle of the Raven Cove Mystery. Щерб увед серт Fran2003 г 128 стр ISBN 1594330018. |
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Type 2 : A Book of Support for Type 2 Diabetics артикул 6640d. |
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Book Description An estimated 16 million Americans (more than 7 percent of the population) suffer from Type 2 diabetes—a shocking increase of 49 percent since 1990 Of all the major diseases, diabetes is the ultimate self-help condition, for diet and exercise are the keys to combating it However, Type 2 is also an inordinately lonely and confusing ожшно disease It’s hard not to feel isolated when so many social events center around food and drink that may be off-limits to diabetics And because there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, because symptoms are often hidden, and because the impact of uncontrolled diabetes is usually years away, diabetics can feel adrift as they search for answers Even maintaining an exercise routine may be impeded by depression, which often accompanies the disease Diabetes is even more challenging on an emotional level because diabetics have few support groups to turn to Standing out among hundreds of books on diabetes, Type 2 will help fill that gap Medical writer Miryam Ehrlich Williamson has interviewed Type 2 diabetics across North America who share their stories of struggle and success, from healthy eating at parties to handling feelings of anger and hopelessness to reducing anxiety and pain during blood glucose testing Type 2 diabetics will see themselves in this inspiring print version of a support group, and the experiences and advice of fellow diabetics will motivate and guide them to control their disease and stay activelyinvolved in life. Низо рома Goin Ауди2003 г 176 стр ISBN 0802776663. |
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Ghetto Girl Blue артикул 6642d. |
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Book DescriptionFrom Ghetto Girl Blue Founder of The Punany Poets of HBO notoriety comes a riveting work of emotional depth laced through a fresh urban groove reminiscent of Iceberg Slim and Donald Goins AKA "Dead Man" Welcome to Epiphany Brenners world The Oakland Ghetto A world where game is truth and only the fittest minds survive ожшнс Epiphany Brenner is an inner city journalist, tipping the scales of insanity and inebriation, while looking for love in the most dangerous faces The sexy young writer was just looking for peace in bottles and bedrooms, trying to shake the haunting dreams of death, memories of sexual abuse and betrayal from her mind when ghetto truth reared is deceptive head Now, with her career onthe line a sadistic lover in her bed and head her brother in jail on a third strike for a murder with a questionable motive a lost little girl to save and dead bodies piling up all around her Life in the O A K will quickly become asobering experience that will teach her the Power of Self and the true meaning of unconditional love. рабо Herb Руби Соде2004 г 204 стр ISBN 0970039522. |
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Tremble & Shine артикул 6644d. |
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Book DescriptionTodd Colby's Tremble and Shine moves with dazzling energy through the blasted landscape of modern life, from the grinning skull of Poe to Lenny Bruce's adenoids to a rhythm of repetition that is entirely his own The anger that drives theworld is Colby's muse Here he addresses everything from the acid-trip ethos of an outdoor camping ожшнщ trip to the need to righteously rock "I punctuate my spasms with gasps of chrome breath, / breathing metal, exhaling oxide, making squirt what cannot / bewashed and/or left in an empty chair ". меся чита теат Flyi2004 г 87 стр ISBN 1932360301. |
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What Goes Around Comes Around артикул 6646d. |
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Book DescriptionBridget Jones and Carrie Bradshaw move over! Chick lit meets Mean Girls meets hipster graphic novel in this compelling, gossipy package by fashion world maven and celebrated artist Daisy de Villeneuve Fresh on the (high) heels of her first book, He Said, She Said, Daisy doesn't mince words as she delves into the world of single girls, ожшня sex, dating, and the cruelty of female friendships In a series of gossipy vignettes, What Goes Around Comes Around lets readers in on the sordid details of girlfriends who arent really friends at all ("what they all have in common is that they are of the same type: 'Bitch' ") Each vignette is quirkily illustrated with Daisy's signature cartoon-like felt-tip ink drawings Pushing the envelope of style and attitude, What Goes Around Comes Around is a fresh addition to every girl's bookshelf. Скво Nige Rajn Соде2005 г 96 стр ISBN 0811847241. |
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Poker Nation: A High-Stakes, Low-Life Adventure into the Heart of a Gambling Country артикул 6648d. |
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Amazon comReaders who enjoy poker will love Poker Nation, an energetic and obsessive account of America's favorite card game, told with intelligence and panache Andy Bellin writes in the first person and from the gut, recounting stories about poker fanatics (himself among them) and dispensing advice on how to play the game: "You have to maximize ожшоб profits through guile and savvy, eke out every last dollar that your competition is willing to lose to you--and, when you don't have the winning cards, flee as fast as possible " Aphorisms leap off the pages: "The worst hand in poker is the second-best one at the table" and "People say the mark of a con is in the details " Whether readers prefer the anecdotes about double-bluffing and illegal poker clubs or the tips on when to hold and when to fold (there's even a table showing the "Chances of Drawing Helpful Cards from a Deck of Forty-Seven Unknown Cards"), anybody interested in its subject matter will find Poker Nation engrossing --John Miller Book Description Journalist and poker fanatic Andy Bellin takes readers on a raucous journey into the shut-up-and-deal world of professional poker From basement games to the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, you'll look over his shoulder as he learns to count cards, read a legendary player's body language, hang in there when the chips are down, and take his beatings like a man Even if you don't know the difference between a flop and a river card, Bellin keeps you in the game with his portraitsof the colorful players, dreamers, hustlers, and eccentrics who populate this strange subculture Along with learning what goes on behind the scenes in illegal poker clubs, you'll get great advice on how to play Texas Hold'em, today's game of choice for big-money players Download Description Journalist and poker fanatic Andy Bellin takes readers on a raucous journey into the shut-up-and-deal world of professional poker From basement games to the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, you'll look over his shoulder as he learns to count cards, read a legendary player's body language, hang in there when the chips are down, and take his beatings like a man Even if you don't know the difference between a flop and a river card, Bellin keeps you in the game with his portraits of the colorful players, dreamers, hustlers, and eccentrics who populate this strange subculture Along with learning what goes on behind the scenes in illegal poker clubs, you'll get great advice on how to play Texas Hold'em, today's game of choice for big-money players. Wink Шенк Mari Яков2003 г 288 стр ISBN 0060958472. |
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Arabian Geometric Patterns артикул 6650d. |
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Book DescriptionThis book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, ожшок flyers, etc They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required For most applications, single images can be used free of charge Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions All designs in this book were originally recorded in the 1870s, primarily from Egyptian, Persian and Syrian sources Together, they form a comprehensive graphic overview of the very best geometric design from the Arab world The images are meticulously re-drawn and digitalized for this publication The designs are interlocking, so it is possible tocreate larger patterns by repeating the components. Fina Sabb писа Mirr2005 г 224 стр ISBN 9057680718. |
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The Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox 360) артикул 6652d. |
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The Beatles: Rock Band предлагает поклонникам интерактивное путешествие по этапам карьеры The Beatles Сюжетный режим The Beatles: Rock Band предлагает поклонникам интерактивное путешествие по этапам ожшоо карьеры The Beatles Период с 1963 по 1966 представляет гастрольный этап становления The Beatles 1966-1969 годы были проведены в студии Концертные площадки, репертуар, одежда и инструменты музыкантов будут меняться, отражая развитие творчества группы и ее путь к вершинам славы Игра начнется с момента появления группы в ливерпульском клубе The Cavern Club Игрокам предстоит совершить путешествие через Атлантику и принять участие в незабываемой телепрограмме The Ed Sullivan Show в 1964 году, в аншлаговом концерте на нью-йоркском SheaStadium в 1965 и завершить гастроли в токийском Budokan - в 1966 Затем последуют годы, которые TheBeatles провели в легендарной Studio 2 на Abbey Road Studios Этот период вдохновил разработчиков игры на создание видеозарисовок, получивших название Dreamscapes Они перенесут игроков в воображаемый мир музыкального творчества The Beatles, меняющийся с каждым годом существования группы Игра проследует за The Beatles вплоть до заключительного выступления, состоявшегося в 1969 году на крыше Apple Corps Headquarters Для диска с игрой были отобраны 45 песен The Beatles , включая: "I Saw Her StandingT here", "I Want To Hold Your Hand", "I Feel Fine", "Taxman", "Day Tripper", "Back In The USSR", "I Am The Walrus", "Octopus's Garden", "Here Comes The Sun" и "Get Back" Также в игру войдут еще 15 композиций, представляющих различные этапы музыкальной карьеры The Beatles - от Can't Buy Me Love и Paperback Writer до With A Little Help From My Friends и Yellow Submarine: Twist And Shout / Cavern Club Do You Want To Know A Secret / Cavern Club Can't Buy Me Love / Ed Sullivan Theater I Wanna Be Your Man / Ed Sullivan Theater Eight Days A Week / Shea Stadium Paperback Writer / Budokan And Your Bird Can Sing / Budokan Yellow Submarine / Abbey Road Dreamscape Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band* / Abbey Road Dreamscape With a Little Help from My Friends* / Abbey Road Dreamscape Within You Without You / Tomorrow Never Knows / Abbey Road Dreamscape Revolution / Abbey Road Dreamscape Birthday / Abbey Road Dreamscape Dig A Pony / Rooftop Concert I've Got A Feeling / Rooftop Concert Помимо этого, полный альбом Abbey Road и другие песни The Beatles поступят в продажу в виде загружаемых обновлений В дополнение к возможности выбрать для игры обычную или бас-гитару, а также ударную установку, The Beatles: Rock Band впервые представляет вокальные партии сразу для трех участников группы, что позволит игрокам воспроизвести невероятный стиль исполнения The Beatles Поклонники The Beatles также будут рады услышать прежде неопубликованные записи разговоров Джона, Пола, Джорджа и Ринго, сделанные во время работы над альбомом Abbey Road более 40 лет назад Игра совместима с контроллерами Rock Band, с большинством контроллеров Guitar Hero, а также с контроллерами и микрофонами других производителей Возраст: 12+ Язык интерфейса: английский Системные требования: Платформа Xbox 360. With Silv Silv SilvСерия: Rock Band. |
Интерактивное путешествие по этапам карьеры The Beatles. |
Food Culture in Japan (Food Culture around the World) артикул 6654d. |
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Book DescriptionAmericans are familiarizing themselves with Japanese food, thanks especially sushi's wild popularity and ready availability This timely book satisfies the new interest and taste for Japanese food, providing a host of knowledge on the foodstuffs, cooking styles, utensils, aesthetics, meals, etiquette, nutrition, and much ожшох more Students and general readers are offered a holistic framing of the food in historical and cultural contexts Recipes for both the novice and sophisticated cook complement the narrative. Eliz Аник Иллю XVII2003 г 232 стр ISBN 0313324387. |
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Schubert's Winterreise: A Winter Journey in Poetry, Image, and Song артикул 6656d. |
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Book Description Winterreise is perhaps the greatest song cycle ever written Franz Schubert set to music the evocative poetry of his contemporary, German lyricist Wilhelm Müller It is a heart-rending portrayal of a winter journey full of misery and woe This striking and unique multimedia volume brings together the achievements of Schubert ожшоы and Müller with new interpretations by present-day musicians, scholars, and a photographer The volume includes: o the complete German text of Wilhelm Müller’s twenty-four poems o a new English translation of the poems by Louise McClelland Urban o a foreword byPulitzer Prize–winning American composer John Harbison o an introductory essay by renowned Schubert scholar Susan Youens o ninety-two stunning black and white photographs of a winter’s journey by Katrin Talbot o a compact-disc recording of the Winterreise song cycle performed by baritone Paul Rowe and pianist Martha Fischer. tuchkas Thin реда 2003 г 256 стр ISBN 0299186008. |
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